
Liyan Xu

Research Scientist
WeChat AI, Tencent

About Me

I am currently a Research Scientist at WeChat AI, Tencent, focusing on Natural Language Processing (NLP). I recently graduated with PhD of Computer Science from Emory, advised by Dr. Jinho Choi. I was also co-advised by Dr. Fei Liu in 2023.

Before Emory, I completed my bachelor’s degrees at ECNU and CSU. Following this, I worked as a Software Engineer for two years before returning to graduate school.

Research Interests

My past studies addressed topics around document understanding, including coreference resolution, information extraction, and semi/weak supervision.

I am currently engaged in research with an overall interest on long context modeling:
 • Narrative Comprehension
 • Dialogue Comprehension

I am actively looking for motivated students to collaborate on NLP research.


Selected Publications

Professional Services

Other Activities

I enjoy exploring Mother Nature and playing with my camera (my gallery).